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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Am Soyami soya chips


Due to growing concern over health, people nowadays look for better alternatives to usual snacks. I bet a lot of people just love that taste of a bag full of potato chips that varies in flavor. It is really good to taste but not that good for your overall health. Aside from being high in salt, it is also high in saturated fats and most have preservatives in them. Then came multigrain snacks. Granted that they are better than potato chips (because of the fiber) they are no different from potato based snacks in terms of saturated fat and salt .

I now introduce you to AM Soyami Soya Chips. Yes you read it right. This goodie is made from soya, the same main ingredient used in making tofu. I’ll give you a little background information about soya first.




Soya is made from soybean or soya bean. It is legume native to East Asia. In fact, this plant was first cultivated in China some 4000 years ago.

Soya is naturally rich in protein as well as isoflavones.

Soya is processed to make many different foods like tofu, soy sauce (a condiment popular in Asia), soy milk and even delicacies like taho in the Philippines. Taho is actually a soft and silken tofu topped with caramel.

Picture of Soy bean pods.

[image source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Soybean.USDA.jpg]

Now, lets go back to soya chips.

Am Soyami soya chips come in three flavors: Original, Pizza and White Cheddar.


Original Flavor 


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[image taken from http://amsoyami.com/]

They actually taste good. Crispy and crunchy yet refreshing to taste since it is not oily and you won’t feel the heavy feeling after eating junk foods. They are also quite bland but flavorful in my taste. Salt content is just right to exude the flavor. This is actually a light and healthy snacks you can enjoy at home, work or school.

So why not give it a try? :)

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Screaming frog!

video of a screaming frog

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Watch the video above and be amazed to hear a frog scream!

Actually, I never thought that frogs can scream. I haven’t heard one until  I watched this video.  But don’t think that all frogs can scream. Only a select few can emit a high pitched scream and they do it as a form of self defense. The scream startles the predator (I know the cat in the video is confused also why a frog can scream, must be first for him also).

Some species of bullfrogs can emit scream that sounds like human voice!


Disclaimer: I do not own the video. Credits go to the uploader.

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tips For Healthy Digestion

Eating and digestion are major functions of the body. Our body takes its nutrients from the food we it. We don't just have to eat nutritious foods but we have to be wary of how we eat. To absorb all the potential nutrients that is offered by the food we eat, we have to make sure first that we are eating properly. The following are tips on how we can improve our digestion.

1. Eat five to six meals a day.

Yes, you heard it right. We have to eat at least 5-6 meals a day contrary to the common norm of 3 meals per day. Firstly, this kind of schedule will prevent the sudden spike in the level of your blood sugar. This is helpful also if your work requires you to think because it helps in maintaining the normal level of blood sugar for optimal brain performance. Secondly, it will lessen your cravings and will prevent you from overeating because of hunger. Also, lesser intake of food will make it easy for your stomach to digest. Lastly, frequent meals will prevent hyperacidity and ulcers. Eat frequently and eat little.

2. Eat two bananas a day.

Bananas are the healthiest fruits because they can help treat diarrhea, fatigue, heartburn, insomnia, menstrual problems, and kidney problems. A six-inch banana contains 16 percent of dietary fiber, 15 percent of vitamin C, 11 percent of potassium, and 20 percent of vitamin B6 of the recommended daily intake. Based on these nutritional values, we can make a case for the banana as a natural multivitamin.

3. Avoid the working lunch.

We all know how work can be so stressful but we have to give time for ourselves solely for eating. Combining eating and mental work will confuse the body on what to do and it might lead to indigestion. The most obvious effect is upset stomach and hyperacidity.

4. Drink eight to 10 glasses of water everyday.

Drinking plenty of water is good for your body. Water helps in washing acids from the stomach. It also helps in kidney problems, urinary tract infections and migraine headaches. But do you know that there is a better way of drinking water. You should sip it little by little rather that to gulp down two glasses at once. Doing so will lessen the stress in your heart.

5. Wash your hands properly.

Handwashing is the single most effective way to prevent diseases. As much as possible, wash with soap and water. Hand sanitizers do help but not as much as what soap and water can do. This will prevent digestive diseases like diarrhea, typhoid fever, cholera and gastroenteritis.

6. Choose stomach-friendly foods.

Keep a food diary. Write what you eat along with what you feel afterwards. From this, you will know which specific food are gentle to you stomach. The general rule is that spicy food should be kept in moderation. Sour food and drinks should also be observed as they may cause hyperacidity. Food like yogurt contains lactobacilli which are good for your stomach.

7. Eat your food when it is hot.

Studies show that Chinese have fewer cases of stomach disorders. It is because they want their food to be served piping hot. Hot chicken soup, tea, milk or plain hot water are excellent food because they can warm and relax the stomach muscles. Avoid very cold drinks that jar and upset your stomach.


Photos taken from The Lung Association (lung.ca) and Principal Nutrition (principalnutrition.co.uk)

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Attack of the Midnight Screamer

William J. Buchanan

Under a late-summer moon, a boy and his dog meet the mysterious menace -- and pandemonium reigns.

OLD SCREAMER made his first appearance one balmy midnight in the spring of 1940. For years the abandoned quarry three miles south of Eddyville, Ky., (pop. 1945) had been a favored parking spot for lovers. On this particular night, two cars, one with soft music wafting from its radio, sat at the base of the 35-foot limestone cliff that rose above the quarry on three sides. Suddenly, from the crest of the cliff, a blood-chilling scream pierced the night.

In unison, two car engines roared to life. Then Gander Galusha and his date heard something heavy land on the roof of their convertible. The startled couple looked up and saw a snarling animal clawing madly through a gaping hole in the canvas top. Gander pressed the accelerator to the floor and spun the car around. The maneuver flung the animal from the roof. No one stopped to see what it was.

The next day the incident was the talk of the town. 

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fazoli's @ Eastwood Citywalk

Having a liking for pasta makes me want to experience the authentic taste. But here in the Philippines, it is very hard to find a restaurant that offers authentic Italian recipes at a relatively cheap price. Fortunately, one restaurant answered my dilemma.

Ladies and gentlemen, I now make you acquainted with Fazoli's. Located at the heart of Eastwood City in Libis, Quezon City, this restaurant is easily distinguishable from other restaurants because of its color. The whole establishment is painted in white, red and green stripes outside making it resemble the flag of Italy. The entrance looks elegant and mood setting because of a little bridgeway that has a koi pond under. The automatic door opens to welcome you to the store. Once inside, you will be greet by the friendly and smiling crew. One of the things I like the most here is the ambiance and the aroma. You can really smell the scent of fresh herbs and spices like garlic, onions, and basil.

The food is so delicious for the price. The menu of Fazoli's is a lot cheaper compared to other Italian restaurants. The serving time is also fast because Fazoli's is almost like a fast food, you can get your orders right at the counter. Aside from the delicious food, here comes UNLIMITED breadsticks. I also appreciate that you don't have to ask for it, they have people walking around the place with the sole purpose of giving each customer some breadsticks. Drinks at Fazoli's are also free flowing! You can have as much as you want. for the price of 50 Php. You can choose from sodas, rootbeers, juices and iced teas.

If you are looking for a nice place to dine, pay a visit at Fazoli's.


Photo taken from myfoodtrip (myfoodtrip.com)
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Jack And The Beanstalk

Jack and his Mummy have no money and no food in the house.

All they have is one cow.

She is a good cow, and she gives good milk, but Jack and his Mummy want food.

"I will see what I can do," says Jack.

Away he goes with the cow. He sees a man.

"What a good cow you have," says the man.

"Yes," says Jack. "She is a good cow, and she gives good milk, but we can not keep her. We have to get some money for food."

"I have no money," says the man, "but I have some magic beans. Please give me the cow, and you can have my magic beans."

"That will be good," says Jack. "Here you are. You have the cow, and I will have the magic beans.

Jack thanks the man and then he goes home.

Jack gives the magic beans to his Mummy. "Look," he says. "We can have beans for tea."

His Mummy looks at the beans. "Is that all you have?" she says. "I do not want beans."

She throws the beans away, into the garden and Jack has to go to bed with no tea.

The magic beans come up. They make a big, big beanstalk.

"What a big beanstalk," says Jack. "It makes the house and the trees look little. I will go and see what is up there."

"No," says Jack's Mummy. "Keep away, Jack. There will be danger up there."
"Yes," says Jack. "There will be danger, but I have to go and see what is up there."

His Mummy lets him go.

Jack goes up and up and up.

He sees a big house.

It is a giant's house, but Jack wants to go in.

"No, stop," says the giant's wife. "You can not come in here."

"Please let me come in," says Jack. "I will be good."

The giant's wife likes children.

She lets Jack come in, and she gives him some food and some milk.

Jack thanks her.

The giant comes home.

He says, "Fee, fi, fo, fum, little children, here I come."

The giant's wife puts Jack in the cupboard.

She says to the giant, "There are no children here, but I have some food for you."

The giant has his tea and then he says, "Get me my money bag."

The giant's wife gets him the money bag, and then she goes off to bed.

Jack looks at the money bag. "The giant stole that money bag from my Daddy," he says. "I have to get it."

The giant goes to sleep and Jack gets the money bag.

He runs away down the beanstalk with it. The giant sleeps on.

Jack gives the money bag to his Mummy. "Was this Daddy's money bag?" he says.

"Yes, it was," says his Mummy. "The giant stole it."

Jack goes up the beanstalk again.

He comes to the giant's house, and he sees the giant's wife.

"I do not want you to come in," says the giant's wife. "The giant will come home, and he will be after you."

"Please let me in," says Jack.

The giant's wife likes Jack. She lets him in and gives him some food and milk.

Then the giant comes home. He says, "Fee, fi, fo, fum, little children, here I come."

Jack gets into the cupboard.

"There are no children here," says the giant's wife, "but I have some food for you."
The giant has his tea, and then he says, "Get me my magic hen." The giant's wife gives him the magic hen, and then she goes off to bed.

Jack sees the magic hen.

"The giant stole that hen from my Daddy," he says. "I have to get it."

The giant goes to sleep, then Jack gets the hem and runs away with it.

The giant sleeps on.

Jack goes down the beanstalk.

He gives the hen to his Mummy.

"Look, Mummy," he says. "Can we keep this hen?"

"Yes," says his Mummy. "The giant stole that hen from Daddy."

Jack goes up the beanstalk again. He goes to the giant's house.

"Please go away," says the giant's wife. "You can not come in here. The giant will get you."

"Please let me come in," says Jack.

The giant's wife wants to help Jack. She lets him come in, and she gives him some food and milk.

The giant comes home.

He says, "Fee, fi, fo, fum, little children, here I come."

"There are no children here," says the giant's wife, "but I have some food for you."

She gives the giant his tea.

Then the giant says, "Get me my magic harp."

The giant's wife gives him the magic harp, and then she goes off to bed.

The magic harp plays for the giant, and he goes to sleep.

Jack looks at the harp. "That was my Daddy's harp," he says. "I will get it."

Jack gets the magic harp, and runs off with it, but the harp says, "Help, help!"

The giant gets up and runs after Jack.

Jack runs to the beanstalk, and the giant keeps on after him.

Down goes Jack, and down goes the giant. Down, and down, and down.

Jack sees his home.

He says, "Mummy, Mummy, get the axe. The giant is after me."

Jack's Mummy runs to get the axe. She gives it to him.

Down comes the beanstalk and the giant is killed.

"That is good," says Jack's Mummy. "The giant is no danger to us now. Let us go and get some good things for tea."


Photos taken from 1c.org.uk and absolute1.net
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